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Serving the world wide scientific community since 2000 and started ISISnet in 2004 ----- Bioscience Research is in 20th year of publication

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Bioscience Research

(ISSN: 1811-9506)

Science 2004


Animal Science Journal


Plant Science Journal


Innovators in
Medical & Health Sciences 

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Submission of articles

Electronic submission of manuscripts will substantially reduce the editorial processing and reviewing time and will accelerate publication.

Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format as MS-Word file via e-mail to

For submission of papers: meditorbr@yahoo.co.uk  
For proof, corrected proofs & updates: editor_isisnet@yahoo.co.uk

Note: Please must suggest the possible reviewers for your paper using Reviewer Form

Submit Plagiarism (similarity) report of paper, that must be less than 19% (overall) and not more than 5% for any single source

Third Party submission is NOT Allowed

As per journal policy and ethical guidelines only authors of paper can submit the paper as corresponding author. No third person (not listed in authors)/party/editor can submit the paper on behalf of authors. All submissions to our journals or Books go through an initial editorial checking and if it is noticed that paper is not submitted by author(s), it is not  further processed and "un-submitted". An email message is sent requesting a re-submitted by one of authors.  This policy also safeguard and prevent our authors from extra/unauthorized charging by third party or a colleague.  


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