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Serving the world wide scientific community since 2004 ----- Bioscience Research is in 15th year of publication -----Bioscience Research on Scimago Journal & Country Rank powered by Scopus --- IPP = 0.55, SNIPP=0.949,  h index = 4, Rank = Q4  TOP news- Biosceince Research added in Emerging Source Citation Index (ISI web of Science) from 2018

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Edited by Tahir Farooq, Department of Applied Chemistry, Government College University, Allama Iqbal Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

ISBN 978-969-7818-00-6

1st Edition, 116 pages, December 2017


With an innovative and flexible approach and proven history as publisher of respected journals we wish to be the preferred books publishing plat form for researchers and academics in the region. We started publishing activities in 2004 with scientific journal Bioscience Research.

Our Mission

We wish to support, document, and disseminate the innovative works of talented authors, scholars and professionals by publishing their books and to provide reading and learning exceptional opportunities to our global community. Our aim is to build a team of talented executives, editors, publicists, and book designers in the publishing industry.

Benefits of publishing with ISISnet

  • We offer the widest range of academic and research topics to be published as books, textbooks and specialist books.

  • Provide opportunity for authors who are talented but have never been published.

  • Book production that meets library standards in paper quality and binding processes.

  • Maximum coverage through abstracting and indexing services.

  • Peer-review of all submissions to ensure high quality.

Self book publishing

If you ever have tried to publish and book and failed, don’t worry you can publish it now. The simplest solution is self book publishing.  You write and publish your book. We will provide you best printing and distribution services in the lowest rates in the world. We encourage you to submit your manuscript. Actually, less than 5 percent of the manuscripts submitted to publishers are accepted. We try to publish good writers that the large publishing houses turn away.

To contact us, please send an e-mail to editor_isisnet@yahoo.co.uk


Overview of the publication process

You submit manuscript to us (In Microsoft Word according to instructions).

The manuscript is evaluated by two subject experts. Here we might reach a simple decision. Otherwise we might enter into a process, asking for further information, seeking your opinion about problematic area of the book and so on. Defiantly, this leads to a go or no-go decision.

Then we offer you a contract.

Then a specific editor will be assigned to your book and when you and the editor come up with the final product, the book is transferred to our copyediting department and our design and production departments.

The author will have an opportunity to review the book before we send it to press.






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