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Serving the world wide scientific community since 2000 and started ISISnet in 2004 ----- Bioscience Research is in 20th year of publication

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Bioscience Research

(ISSN: 1811-9506)

Science 2004


Animal Science Journal


Plant Science Journal


Innovators in
Medical & Health Sciences 

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Fee Policy

Article processing charges policy
Open access publishing provides free and immediate online access to published literature for anyone in the world to read, distribute, and reuse. ISISnet, as a gold open access publisher, offsets all the costs involved in our high-quality publishing service through article processing charges (APCs). All  accepted articles after rigorous peer review incur a publishing fee charged to authors. APCs are our sole revenue stream. There are no charges for rejected articles, no submission charges, and no surcharges based on the length of an article, figures or supplementary data.

Authors with insufficient funding are eligible for discounts to their article processing charges, provided their article passes our rigorous peer review that allowing everybody to benefit from open access publication. Our APC rates are highly competitive (see comparison below). APCs pay for our people who run our editorial programs, build new technology for us, and deliver premium services on our open science website. APCs also allow us to continually re-invest in growing our journal portfolio.

The table below displays the ISISnet fee policy. Journal-specific APCs with automatic special discounted fee for inland/Pakistani authors are listed on each journal's page, which may also contains some journal-specific article types like case reports. Please note that APCs are subject to periodic revision.

Journal original article review paper Brief communication Editorial
Bioscience Research 250US$ 250US$ 250US$ 0
Animal Science Journal 100US$ 100US$ 100US$ 0
Plant Science Journal 100US$ 100US$ 100US$ 0
Innovators in
Medical & Health Sciences
100US$ 100US$ 100US$ 0


What our APCs cover
ISISnet has always been transparent about how our APCs are invested. This spirit of transparency is in line with Coalition S for Plan S (https://www.coalition-s.org).

1. Journal operations
Our journal teams manage every aspect of journal operations and growth, from editorial board management, to commissioning high-quality content, handling article collections, and supporting our editors.

2. Review operations
We have clearly defined quality standards for research and peer review.

Our research integrity team checks and sorts research articles for quality, ethics and research integrity. Quality checks are monitored and improved continuously, allowing for improvements as well as automation of processes, such as integration into AIRA, our Artificial Intelligence Review Assistant.

Our review operations team ensures that quality standards are adhered to during peer review, that the appropriate experts are assigned to the manuscripts, and that editors are supported at every step of the process. They also provide rigorous feedback to the authors so that each stage of the review process advances in an effective and timely manner.

2. Publication
Production costs include typesetting and copy-editing, assignment of persistent identifiers, journal indexing, archiving in all relevant academic and national databases, and permanent storage, such as CLOCKSS.

3. Innovation and new technologies adoptation
We have a relentless focus on technology and innovation to continuously raise the bar for our services and quality standards, make processes simpler and more efficient, and the work of our authors, reviewers, and editors easier. APC income is reinvested in this space to allow for the deployment of new platform tools and services, including AIRA. See our history for a timeline of our innovations and awards.

4. Communications
We support our authors, reviewers, and editors by disseminating and promoting their research through news media, social media, newsletters, article alerts, our news site (Innovative Science), conferences, and by organizing and sponsoring scientific and social events.

5. General administration
APCs also cover general operations, including human resources and accounting, as well as costs of administrative functions and office rental.

6. Inclusive growth
Investment in growth supports new publication initiatives across the academic spectrum. Higher APCs in mature journals subsidize the launch of new journals before they become self-sustainable.

7. Honoraria
Advisory Board and Chief editors are awarded honoraria for their work and strictly independent from acceptance decisions.

8. Outreach and awards
APCs, together with other funding sources, also support our scientific outreach programs, including:
Innovative Science Forum (ISF), where leading scientists involved in innovative research provides science based solutions for problems and challenges to humanity.

9. The cost of rejections
ISISnet does not set acceptance or rejection rates. Instead, our editorial policy is based on clearly defined quality standards and certifies objective quality, validity, and rigor of research. Articles that pass rigorous peer review performed are accepted, articles that do not are rejected. As submissions have been increasing over the past years, so have rejections. About 40% of submitted articles for all our journals are rejected, reaching over 60% in some journals. While APCs are only applied to accepted/published articles, the substantial work associated with rejections pre-review (quality control and triaging) and post-review, is also covered by APC income and contributes significantly to the setting of the APC.

APCs comparison with other publishers
We analyzed that for fully gold open access journals of the 10 largest publishers mean APC is US$2,371 and the highest APC is US$8,900
For hybrid journals from the 10 largest publishers, mean APC is US$3,410 while the highest APC is US$11,390
For a subscription article, the range of revenue is between US$4,000 and US$9,000

While our APCs range from 100US$ to 250US$ only that is around ten time less as compared to other gold open access  publishers.

Fee discounts
Our fee support program (partial or full) i.e. Open Access Support Fund (OASF) ensures that all articles that pass peer review can benefit from open access – regardless of the author's field or funding situation. To apply for fee support, please write us at the time of submission. Be ensured that your request for a fee support will not influence whether your submission is accepted or rejected for publication.

Refund policy

Once an article has been accepted for publication, an Article Processing Charge is due. The submitting author assumes responsibility for the Article Processing Charge, and ISISnet will not issue refunds of any kind.

ISISnet will refund an article processing charge (APC) if an error on our part has resulted in a failure to publish an article under the open access terms selected by the authors. This may include the failure to make an article openly available on the journal platform, or publication of an article under a different Creative Commons licence from that selected by the author(s). A refund will only be offered if these errors have not been corrected within 60 days of publication. If you become aware of an error in the open access status or licensing of your article, please contact us.

APCs will not be refunded when articles are withdrawn by authors after acceptance at any stage or retracted as a result of author error or misconduct.



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