Call for papers

Bioscience Research
(ISSN: 1811-9506)
Science 2004

Animal Science Journal

Plant Science Journal

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Bioscience Research,
Vol. 6, No. 1, 01- 49, 2009 (Annual) Online
Sr. # |
Research articles |
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1 |
I. Abdou and O. A. Abbas.
Evaluation of diphenyl dimethyl bicarboxylate (DDB) as a probable hepato-
protector in rats against whole body gamma irradiation. |
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text |
2 |
A. Amal and H. M. Mona.
Protective effect of some antioxidants on the brain of adult male albino
rats, Rattus rattus, exposed to heavy metals
12-19 |
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text |
Mini review |
3 |
A. Jaleel and B. E. Llorente
Drought stress in plants: A review on water relations. |
20-27 |
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text |
Research articles |
4 |
E. Mohamed, A. F. Abdel-Aziz, E. M. El-Sherbiny and R. M. Morsi
Anti-diabetic effect of aloe vera juice and evaluation of thyroid
function in female diabetic rats. |
28-34 |
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text |
5 |
Talal Thalji
Growth and yield of faba bean (Vicia faba .L) under rain fed and
irrigated conditions in Jordan. |
35-39 |
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text |
6 |
A. Asadi, C. Vedadi, M. Rahimi, B. Naserian
Effect of plant growth hormones on root and shoot regeneration in Rose (Morrasia)
under in-vitro conditions. |
40-45 |
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text |
7 |
T. Thalji and A. Momany
Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) cultivars response and effect of
irrigation methods on leaf spot (Ascochyta-Fabae) and rust (Uromyces
fabae) diseases. |
46-49 |
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