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Bioscience Research

(ISSN: 1811-9506)

Science 2004


Animal Science Journal


Plant Science Journal


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Bioscience Research

  • Print ISSN: 1811-9506

  • Online ISSN: 2218-3973

  • Starting year: 2004

  • Current volume: 21

  • Impact Factor (Scopus) : 0.949

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Volume 21, Issue 4 2024

Volume 21, Issue 2 2024

Volume 21, Issue 1 2024


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Guidelines for authors


General standards

Journal publishes original, peer-reviewed articles, review papers, case reports and short communications within scope of journal. Original articles report innovative and core scientific knowledge.

Review articles are comprehensive, scientifically accurate summaries of topics dealing with areas of current relevance and emerging scientific concepts. Review articles are taken by invitation or approved submission after query by author (s). By invitation: Editorial staff will invite qualified person(s) to write a review article on a selected topic. By author query: Before a review article can be submitted for peer review and possible publication, a proposal and outline of the article must be submitted to, and approved by, the editor. The proposal should include: 1) a detailed outline of the content of the proposed review; 2) a general idea of the amount of original literature to be summarized; and 3) the background of the author(s) supporting his/her expertise in the area to be discussed in the review. It is anticipated that the author(s) will have worked and published in the area of the review. The author should also state why he/she feels this particular review is suited for journal and why the review article would appeal to the readership.

Short communications must fit into two printed pages; this is approximately equivalent to 2000 words (including abstract (200 words), text, acknowledgements, references (<25), and figure legends) plus one small single column figure and one small single column table. DNA sequences should be deposited in one of the genetic databases.

Special Issues containing reviews and original articles in a specified subject area are published at intervals. Reviews should not be encyclopaedic, will ideally contain the author's views and be pitched at a level that will appeal to the non-specialist as well as those who work in the field. If original articles are submitted for a Special Issue, then the Introduction should be longer than usual to help orientate the reader within the field, and the Discussion should also help to explain the context of the work.

SUBMISSION OF ARTICLES: Manuscripts should be submitted in electronic format via e-mail only, and should be presented in accordance with the guidelines for authors. All manuscripts should be accompanied by a covering letter. Manuscripts should be sent to: meditorbr@yahoo.co.uk


Style and format. Manuscripts should be written in simple declarative sentences and must conform to accepted standards of English style and usage. Authors whose first language is not English are requested to have their manuscripts checked carefully for linguistic correctness before submission. Submit manuscript with elements arranged in the following order, numbering all pages consecutively. Double-space all material. Font: Arial, size 12.
Page 1: (1) Short running title not to exceed 60 characters and spaces; (2) name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of author to whom all correspondence should be sent; (3) and one major (e.g. cell biology) and specific (e.g. cell death) research area most appropriate for the paper.
Page 2: (1) Title of article (2) all authors' full names, affiliations, E-mail addresses; (3) abstract, Key words (<7). Page 3 and subsequent pages contain paper body which should be divided into: 1) Introduction; 2) Materials and Methods; 3) Results; 4) Discussion (if discussion is short, the Results and Discussion sections may be combined); 5) Acknowledgments; 6) References; 7) Figure and Tables.
Abstract (<250 words) should succinctly and clearly present the major significant results of the investigation and conclusions there from.
Introduction should state the purpose of the investigation with imperative references to relevant previous works (<10,000 characters).
Materials and Methods: The description of the methods should be as short as possible but adequate for repetition of the work by a qualified investigator. The metric system is standard, and SI units must be used as much as possible. Use the negative index system instead, i.e. mmol m-2 s-1. Statistical methods should be identified.
The “Results” are usually presented in figures and tables; some results that do not need documentation can be given in the text. Figures and Tables: Provide each figure (JPG) and table with a short, concise title followed by a legend that will make the general meaning of the figure or table comprehensible without reference to the text. Number figures and tables in order of citation in text with Arabic numerals (1,2,3…).
The “Discussion” should deal with interpretation and not with recapitulation of the results. Use of a simple and pictorial scheme to illustrate the major results is encouraged. Acknowledgments. Acknowledgments of assistance and financial support should be stated briefly at the end of the “Discussion” section.
References: Cite all references in text by last names and year of publication for example: (Hao, 2003) or Hameed (2003); (Shen and Ma, 2001) or Shen and Ma (2001). Text citations should be arranged from the earliest to most recent year, alphabetized by name within the same year. If several papers by the same author in the same year are cited, they should be lettered in sequence (2000a, b), etc. When papers are by more than two authors they should be cited thus: (Kao et al. 2004).
For entries in "References" section, alphabetize by authors' last names and follow the styles below exactly for capitalization, punctuation, and order of elements. The accuracy in the " References " section is the responsibility of the authors. The Journal will only proofread references for format.
Journal articles: Author (last name) AB (initials), Author BB, 2004. Title of Article. Plant Physiol 59: 45-59.

Book: Author AB, Author BB, Author CC, 2004. Title of Book, Ed 2 Vol 3. Publisher, City, Country, pp 14-19.

Book articles: Author AB, Author BB, Author CC, 2004. Title of article. In A Smith, B Jones, eds, Title of Book, Ed 2 Vol 3. Publisher, City, Country, pp 14-19.

Theses: Author BC, 1974. Title of thesis. PhD thesis. University, City, Country.

Online: Author A, 2004. Title. Source Title. http://www.utopia.com/talent/lpb/muddex/essay Accessed 4 May 2004.

Patent Author B, Author BC, inventors. January 1, 1997. Endogenous nonstarch polysaccharide hydrolyzing enzymes. European Patent Application No. XXX

Proceedings: Author AB, Author BB, Author CC, 2004. Title of article. In A Smith, B Jones, eds, Title of proceedings, Ed 2 Vol 3. Publisher, City, Country, pp 14-19.

Write out in full all one-word journal titles. Use the BIOSIS List of Serials for abbreviations of multiple-word journal titles; write out in full the names of journals not listed there.



After critical editorial review, manuscripts are peer reviewed by independent subject experts in the particular area and are sent blank to avoid any biased evaluation. For details please visit our review policy page

Proofs: Submitted manuscripts must be considered as final texts to which no changes should be made at the proof stage apart from correction to printer's errors. The managing editor will send the page proofs to the author by e-mail as PDF file. Proofs must be returned to the publishers by e-mail within 72 hours of receipt. Only minor corrections/ changes at this stage are possible.


Page charges are assessed for all kinds of articles to help defray the costs. Article Processing Fee is Flat US $ 250 for papers of any page length. Fee is only payable if the paper is accepted after peer review. Journal has no submission fee. Unless otherwise specified, it will be assumed that the corresponding author is responsible for payment. The publishers supply a PDF file of paper for unlimited off prints.


Fee waiver or discounts

We routinely waive charges for authors from low-income countries. For all inland/Pakistani authors, a special discounted fee is applicable. For other countries, article-processing charge waivers or discounts are granted on a case-by-case basis to authors with insufficient funds form our Open Access Support Fund (OASF). Authors can request a waiver or discount during the submission process. For further details please visit fee policy page.


Automatic Discounts for Inland/Pakistani authors: Corresponding authors of accepted manuscript will have to pay manuscript handling/processing/printing charges Rs. 40,000 on acceptance of their manuscript from Jan. 01, 2023.


Publication Ethics and Malpractice
The journal is committed to maintaining the highest level of integrity in the content published. This journal has a Conflict of Interest policy in place.
Currently the journal is not a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) but will soon apply for its membership. However we follow its principles on how to deal with acts of misconduct thereby committing to investigate allegations of misconduct in order to ensure the integrity of research. The journal takes issues relating to publication ethics very seriously. We strictly follow the guidelines and best practice recommendations published by the Committee on Publication Ethics (
Authors are expected to abide by ethical standards in regards to the attribution of authorship, conflicts of interest, respect of ethical considerations in the use of experimental animal and human participants, financial support disclosures and participation in the peer review process. Additionally, cases of invalid or fraudulent data, plagiarism and dual submissions will constitute grounds for rejection.
The journal may use plagiarism detection software to screen the submissions. If plagiarism is identified, the COPE guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
Content published in this journal is peer reviewed. For details about the peer review process please visit our page for it.


Plagiarism policy
Along with your paper must submit Plagiarism (similarity) report of paper, that must be less than 19% (overall) and not more than 5% for any single source.

Innovative Scientific Information and Services network applies the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to articles and other works we publish. Authors of articles published in Frontiers journals retain copyright on their articles, except for any third-party images and other materials added by Innovative Scientific Information and Services network, which are subject to copyright of their respective owners. If you submit your paper for publication by Innovative Scientific Information and Services network, you agree to have the CC BY license applied to your work. Under this Open Access license, you as the author agree that anyone can reuse your article in whole or part for any purpose, for free, even for commercial purposes. Anyone may copy, distribute, or reuse the content as long as the author and original source are properly cited. This facilitates freedom in re-use and also ensures that published content can be mined without barriers for the needs of research.


Corrections to published articles. If necessary, corrections of significant errors in published articles will be published in a later issue of the Journal. Within two months after publication, authors are requested to bring any errors to the attention of the managing editor.




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